• 30th Annual Clyde H. Wells Golf Tournament

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    Name: 30th Annual Clyde H. Wells Golf Tournament
    Date: July 11, 2020
    Time: 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM CDT
    Event Description:

    Mark your calendars and round up your team! This will be a great day of golf!

    This year the tournament will be at the beautiful Harbor Lakes Golf course in Granbury once again. They'll have lunch and great auction items as always.

    Let's see how much Tarleton Purple we can add to the golf course that day!

    Entry fee: $125 per person or $500 per team
    (Deadline: Thursday, July 3, 2020)
    Play type: Four (4) Person Scramble
    Entry fee includes: Green fee, cart rental, lunch and raffle ticket
    To register online click here!

    You may sign up as an individual and we will assign you to a team.

    To learn more about the Tarleton Alumni Association click here!
    Harbor Lakes Golf Course
    Granbury, TX 
    Date/Time Information:
    Sign in: 7:30 AM
    Shotgun Start: 9:00 AM
    Contact Information:
    (254) 968-9682
    Entry fee:
    $125 per person
    $500 per team
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.